The Tzedek School
- A Unique Vision of Jewish Education
HIGH HOLY DAYS - September 16-26, 2012 - שנה טובה ומתוקה
The custom of Tashlich - symbolicly casting away our misdeeds of the past year - starts the Ten Days of Repentance, which culminates with Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur, a final sounding of the shofar and the hope of being "sealed in the Book of Life" for a healthy and prosperous New Year. Shanah Tovah!
The Tzedek School community comes together to celebrate the birth of the world, and the start of a New Year!
TU B'SHEVAT- March 2012- ט'ו בשבת הגיעה, חג לאילנות
The Tzedek School celebrates Tu B'shevat, the birthday of the trees (recognized as "The Jewish Arbor Day), with a visit from students of Israel's Seminar Ha'Kibbutzim Teacher's College who presented a special program on the customs, songs and dances of the holiday as celebrated in Israel.
CHANUKAH - December 18, 2011 - חנוכה, חג יפה כל כך
With over 50 students and friends in attendance, The Tzedek School חנוכה party was the place to be on the third night of the holiday. After the older students led the school in candle-lighting, students ate Israeli style "soofganiyot"- filled doughnuts, took part in a great dreidel-fest, watched holiday videos and danced to Israeli & holiday music. Truely, Chanukah is a very beautiful holiday (as noted above)!
SUKKOT - October 16, 2011 - בסוכות תשבו שבעת ימים
The Fields Family performs the mitzvah of הכנסת אורחים - welcoming guests to the Sukkah - as the students and familes of The Tzedek School visit their sukkah and share hot cider, fresh apple crisp, cookies and cake!
YOM KIPPUR - October 7, 2011 - כל נדרי
Reflecting on what it means to be one's best, and how we can rise up even when we have made mistakes. (Photos were taken before the beginning of Yom Kippur with respect for the holiness of the day)
ROSH HASHANA - September 29, 2011 - לשמועה קול שופר
The Tzedek School community comes together to bring in the New Year, listen to the sound of the Shofar, and share in the values of justice as Helena shares a tale of rabbis, baseball and the true meaning of winning.
WELCOME SHABBAT - September 23, 2011 - שבת שלום
The first Tzedek School community observance!
We share songs and traditions (and wine/grape juice & sweet snacks) as we welcome the Shabbat.
We share songs and traditions (and wine/grape juice & sweet snacks) as we welcome the Shabbat.